BSN Nutrition N.O.-Xplode, Integratore Alimentare in Polvere Pre-Allenamento, Supporto per Energia e Concentrazione con Caffeina, Aminoacidi,…

(7 recensioni dei clienti)
  • BSN Nutrition N.O.-XPLODE, polvere pre-allenamento utile come supporto energetico*: contiene caffeina, aminoacidi, vitamine, zinco ed estratti vegetali
  • Questo integratore pre workout vi fornisce l’extra carica di cui avete bisogno prima del vostro allenamento: riduce la fatica e l’affaticamento, supportando i vostri bisogni energetici
  • Integratore alimentare di BSN, che grazie ai 200 mg di caffeina supporta il focus e la concentrazione** durante i workout più intensi e difficili
  • Integratore per il fitness con aminoacidi, L-citrullina (6 g per porzione) e beta-alanina (3.2 g per porzione); arricchito con estratti vegetali
  • Integratore alimentare al gusto Green Burst (kiwi e fragola) senza coloranti artificiali: mescolate 3 misurini in 200 ml di acqua fredda; provate anche gli altri 2 gusti Purple Power (uva) e Red Rush (amarena)
  • *Fonte: EFSA Journal 2011;9(4):2054 24
  • **Vitamina C e niacina contribuiscono alla riduzione della stanchezza e dell’affaticamento, e al normale funzionamento del metabolismo energetico. Fonte: REGOLAMENTO (UE) N. 432/2012 DELLA COMMISSIONE del 16 maggio 2012

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  • BSN Nutrition N.O.-XPLODE, polvere pre-allenamento utile come supporto energetico*: contiene caffeina, aminoacidi, vitamine, zinco ed estratti vegetali
  • Questo integratore pre workout vi fornisce l’extra carica di cui avete bisogno prima del vostro allenamento: riduce la fatica e l’affaticamento, supportando i vostri bisogni energetici
  • Integratore alimentare di BSN, che grazie ai 200 mg di caffeina supporta il focus e la concentrazione** durante i workout più intensi e difficili
  • Integratore per il fitness con aminoacidi, L-citrullina (6 g per porzione) e beta-alanina (3.2 g per porzione); arricchito con estratti vegetali
  • Integratore alimentare al gusto Green Burst (kiwi e fragola) senza coloranti artificiali: mescolate 3 misurini in 200 ml di acqua fredda; provate anche gli altri 2 gusti Purple Power (uva) e Red Rush (amarena)
  • *Fonte: EFSA Journal 2011;9(4):2054 24
  • **Vitamina C e niacina contribuiscono alla riduzione della stanchezza e dell’affaticamento, e al normale funzionamento del metabolismo energetico. Fonte: REGOLAMENTO (UE) N. 432/2012 DELLA COMMISSIONE del 16 maggio 2012


Based on 7 reviews

7 reviews for BSN Nutrition N.O.-Xplode, Integratore Alimentare in Polvere Pre-Allenamento, Supporto per Energia e Concentrazione con Caffeina, Aminoacidi,…

  1. Federico

    Fa quel che dice L’unica pecca è il sapore che a mio avviso non è il massimo ma è un mio gusto personale

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  2. Mr.Man996

    Ne me procure pas l’effet escompté pas d’effet boost significatif

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  3. francisco J.

    El mejor que he probado

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  4. NarcisseFit

    Une valeur sûre, un des meilleurs pre workout

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  5. David Langenberg

    Having tried plenty of pre-workouts over the years, this stuff is gold. BSN know their stuff, have been around for a long time and it’s pretty comparable in value to other, far less effective PWO’s.

    Don’t be fooled into thinking that this is just like drinking a coffee, it absolutely isn’t and that quickly becomes apparent. Within about 10 minutes of drinking, your skin starts tingling from the beta-alanine and your energy levels quickly elevate to a point where it’s almost impossible to not have the motivation to work out.

    If I’m feeling particularly wiped or I know I’m going for a PR, sometimes I’ll add a couple of extra grams over the recommended dose and it’s very noticeable, just go a little careful as it does have caffeine in which can make you feel a bit jittery and the skin tingling can also get quite intense. Personally, I love the feeling but I appreciate that some people might find the sensation odd or unpleasant, and if that’s the case then just dial it back.

    I’m obviously not a doctor or nutritionist though so if you’ve not tried it before, then follow the label and start with the recommended dosage!

    I’ve ploughed through many a PR with this as it just gives you that added boost you need to smash through your workouts and lift with the intensity you need for results, it also helps give you a nice pump if you’re into that.

    There is a slightly bitter edge to it which complements the sweetness of the berries, it’s really quite tasty IMHO. Once you’re all mixed and ready to go, I’d recommend knocking back the drink in order to experience the maximum effect, the recommended dilution is 13g in 200ml of water so it’s pretty easy to down in one.

    I have seen people use this as an intra-workout but personally I think it’s a waste to sip it as you just don’t get that hit of energy you want from the beginning.

    It tends to start fading off after around an hour which is perfect and I’ve not had any issues sleeping providing you leave it a couple of hours before you hit the hay. Obviously this isn’t a problem if you’re into your morning training.

    Morning, afternoon or evening, if you’re flagging, demotivated or looking for that edge, this is the defacto standard of pre-workouts. Would thoroughly recommend.

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  6. David Langenberg

    Schmeckt leider nicht mehr so wie früher aber die Wirkung stimmt !!!
    Toller Booster setzt Fokus voll aufs Training und gut verträglich für den Bauch .

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    quando arriva prodotto coperchio gia aperto,poi rimasto solo meta peggiorare…..

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